KC's Vision on Health Care
Florida faces several health challenges, from obesity to access to affordable health care to rising health insurance rates. Currently Florida ranks 3rd in the nation for the spread of HIV/Aids. As Florida's Governor. I will work to create a comprehensive health plan that addresses not only health care and insurance,but one that promotes healthier lifestyles cross the state.
My Vision for Florida will be to introduce a Healthy Lifestyle Initiative. This initiative will focus on approaching health issues not just from a medical perspective, but by creating various healthy lifestyle initiatives that promote better living.
Part of my Vision for Florida will be to introduce healthy choices for kids. This vision would push to promote healthy eating and exercise habits in our school, as well as churches, businesses and convenience/grocery stores stores. My vision for Florida will require that all new street's built will include bike lanes, side walks and minimum standards for lighting. This will encourage residents to get out and exercise close to home. This added benefit will also help to retain property value.
As your Governor, my Vision for Florida increase funding for mental health facilities in order to provide better mental health access to patients who face incarceration as their only means of treatment.
The last part of my Health Vision for Florida, will be THE RIDE A MILE FOR BETTER HEALTH. This initiative will encourage Floridians' to take up bike riding. Cycling has many health benefits. First, its great for the heart and help's to decrease the risk coronary heat disease. Cycling is also great for toning the body and muscle development. It helps to burn calories and decrease your waistline. Cycling also helps to expand your life span. Cycling improves mental health and strengthens your immune system. Cycling helps us sleep better, look younger, improve digestion, increase brain power, fight illness, live longer, save the planet, fights cancer, enjoy healthy family time, and improves one overall health.
THE RIDE A MILE FOR BETTER HEALTH WILL expand the Rails to Trails throughout Florida. Rails to Trails is program that turns old unused railroad tracks into cycling/walking trails. The expansion of the Rails to Trails will create jobs throughout the state, introduce many to a healthy lifestyle, and welcome a new market of visitors to the state of Florida
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